Assisted Dying

Thank you for contacting me about the debate on assisted dying.

I recognise that this is a very sensitive issue for many. Coping with terminal illness is distressing and difficult both for the patient and their families. I fully accept that suicide, assisting or encouraging suicide, assisted dying and euthanasia are all subjects on which it is entirely possible for people to hold widely different but defensible opinions.

My own personal standpoint is that I do not intend to support assisted dying and feel strongly about this topic. I still encourage and appreciate constituents sharing their views and I appreciate you raising the debate with me.

I would however like to note that I believe terminally ill patients should receive the highest quality palliative support and end-of-life care, and that they and their families should be certain that their end-of-life care will meet all of their needs.

A Private Member’s Bill is being brought forward on this matter later this year and there is sure to be extensive debate both inside and outside Parliament. By convention, any change to the law in such a sensitive area of public policy is an issue of conscience where individual Parliamentarians decide rather than being steered by Government policy. A free vote is expected should this matter come to the House of Commons. Parliament has debated this issue on several occasions including but has so far voted against proposals to legalise assisted dying.

Thank you for contacting me on this important matter.