West Worcestershire MP Dame Harriett Baldwin has highlighted the plight of a local pensioner who is confined to a single room following the Government’s raid on Winter Fuel Payments.
West Worcestershire MP Dame Harriett Baldwin has welcomed a cash boost which will see more action to fix potholes and improve county roads.
West Worcestershire MP Dame Harriett Baldwin has repeated her support for the thousands of farmers who returned to Westminster this week to protest about inheritance tax changes which threaten to kill off family farms.
A Parliamentary Bill which seeks to change the corporate governance of the Malvern Hills Trust will be debated in the House of Lords, it has been confirmed.
West Worcestershire MP Dame Harriett Baldwin has pledged to continue pressing for funding as the Environment Agency considers how to support Tenbury Wells’s need for permanent flood protection.
West Worcestershire MP Dame Harriett Baldwin has blasted a decision which will see house-building on the edge of historic woodland near Pershore.
West Worcestershire MP Dame Harriett Baldwin has welcomed a supermarket scheme which has raised thousands of pounds for local primary schools.
West Worcestershire MP Dame Harriett Baldwin has called for swifter progress to be made to deliver the long-awaited flood defence scheme for Severn Stoke.
West Worcestershire MP Dame Harriett Baldwin has called for defiance against dictatorship and aggression 80 years on from the end of the Holocaust.