18 January 2016
West Worcestershire MP Harriett Baldwin has met with Persimmon Homes to discuss ongoing issues at the Malvern Vale housing development.
The MP was taken on a tour of the site with the company’s technical head Joe Turner to view areas of concern raised by constituents.
Harriett had previously written to the developer about complaints from local residents regarding a number of ongoing issues including the hold-ups completing the roads around the estate.
There is still major road work being carried out at the entrance to the site and there will be further disruption when a new block of flats is built next to the brand new Sainsbury’s store.
However the developer assured Harriett that agreement had been reached over the drainage areas although the formal adoption of the roads by Worcestershire County Council is still at least a year away.
Harriett commented: “I know that a lot of local residents have felt frustrated over the time it has taken to complete the surfacing work and as a regular user of these roads, I know exactly how they feel.
“There is still some work to be carried out around Sayers Avenue but once that is complete, I am told that the road will be re-surfaced. At the other end of the estate Persimmon forecasts a little disruption as the builders return to erect a block of flats but we all hope that will be kept to a minimum.
“I am grateful that Joe took the time to come and discuss some of these issues face to face and I hope that we can now work together to sort some of the inevitable snagging issues that arise.”
Photo: Persimmon’s Joe Turner briefs Harriett Baldwin MP on roadworks being carried out at the Malvern Vale development.