14 May 2024
MP Hears Tenbury Views at Question Time

Tenbury residents filled the town’s Pump Room to question their local MP about issues ranging from the flood defence plans to a proposal to build a pedestrian bridge across the river Teme.

West Worcestershire MP Dame Harriett Baldwin hosted her latest Meet Your MP session last Friday (May 10) in Tenbury Wells allowing constituents to question her about national policy and share their views.

Residents also expressed their concern about the closure of the town’s last bank, the Government’s food security policy and rural crime issues.

Dame Harriett said:

“I’m always grateful that people choose to give up some of their Friday evening to come and meet with me and there were some really important local subjects covered.

“It’s clear to me that people still strongly support the proposal to build flood defences and I’m really hoping that the Environment Agency will accelerate their work to get plans agreed.

“The shameful decision to close the TSB is clearly causing local concern and I plan to meet with the bank’s management to hear what plans there are to ensure Tenbury people are able to access banking services next year.

“The suggestion to consider building a new pedestrian bridge connecting the town to Burford clearly has support too and I’ll be sharing that message with Worcestershire County Council during my next regular catch up.”