23 October 2017
West Worcestershire MP Harriett Baldwin has announced she will meet with local housing and voluntary organisations ahead of the local roll out of Universal Credit benefits payments.
The MP met with local Citizens Advice Bureau managers to discuss the issue ahead of the introduction of the payments which is expected to take place in June 2018.
Harriett has agreed to host an event for local housing associations and other local bodies who work with benefits claimants. The Universal Credit introduction will mean that claimants get six benefits rolled into one monthly payment, to mimic a monthly pay packet so rent will default to being paid directly to tenants.
The Department for Work and Pensions last week confirmed a number of changes to improve the roll out including more publicity around the availability of advance payments for people transitioning to Universal Credit.
Harriett commented: "Universal Credit is a major simplification which will end the poverty trap and make every hour of work pay. Rather than pausing this worthwhile reform, let's give claimants every support we can during the transition. As everyone who has ever started a new job and been paid in arrears knows, it can seem like an age until the first payday.
"Surely it is better than a system where you are worse off if you take a job and it's too complicated to work extra hours.
"As a local MP I have access to extra resources which can help constituents with the transition as well as other benefit delays."
Photo: Malvern CAB's Richard West and Karen Edwards with Harriett Baldwin MP.