West Worcestershire MP Dame Harriett Baldwin has renewed her commitment to securing improvements to the North Cotswold Line to improve train journey times and reliability and enabling a more frequent service along a single track stretch of line.

The MP met with stakeholders including newly elected MPs and representatives of the rail industry and county councils to review progress on a proposal to double two stretches of track totalling nine miles between Worcester and Pershore and towards Oxford.
A business case to deliver the work shows huge economic benefits for the County and Dame Harriett re-confirmed her support for the scheme.
Dame Harriett commented:
“Under the last Government, there was support for this important improvement to the North Cotswold Line and it is important that we continue that work to deliver significant economic benefits to businesses along this busy commuter line. In the last parliament, Worcestershire County Council built a fantastic new Worcestershire Parkway station which is now performing at year fifteen of its business plan after only four years.
“I’m planning to convene this Parliament’s MPs who represent areas which will see benefits from this project as I continue to press for the right investment into this project from the new Government.
“With the housing that will be built in our County in the years ahead we are going to need to deliver faster, more frequent, more reliable train services for people travelling to Oxford, London and Reading and this project, along with a second platform at Pershore station remain important ambitions that I am keen to progress in this parliament.”
Photo: Dame Harriett Baldwin MP (centre) meets with MPs and local stakeholders to support the improvements to the North Cotswold Line.