2 September 2013
West Worcestershire MP Harriett Baldwin has this week backed a Malvern initiative to help local shops get online. The MP visited The Portico, a Malvern-based project which aims to help local businesses to grow by giving them access to web pages and social media promotion as well as a magazine and loyalty card. The company was set up by entrepreneur David Ebsworth to encourage local people to spend more money in their local independent stores. The firm helps to level the playing field with the big high streets firms both on the internet and with social media marketing. Harriett arranged to meet with the Portico team after being offered a loyalty card in a Tenbury shop. Harriett commented: “I have always been committed to encouraging more people to ‘shop local’ and I support any initiative which ensures that more goods and services are sourced locally. “Retailers are struggling with online competition so I was encouraged to see that the Portico helps some of our more traditional businesses to have an online presence. The loyalty card which is offered by many local independent shops will allow these smaller retailers to compete with the likes of Nectar. “The Portico initiative is an interesting proposition and I look forward to seeing its take up over the coming months and years.” Photo: Harriett Baldwin MP shows off her loyalty card with team from the Portico Project.