5 July 2011
West Worcestershire MP Harriett Baldwin today welcomed a massive £3 million cash injection for schemes including the improvement of county cycle routes. The Department for Transport today confirmed Worcestershire County Council will be given £2.8 million to support local sustainable transport initiatives. The £560 million fund supports measures that promote walking and cycling, manage effectively demands on the network, secure better traffic management, improve road safety and improve access and mobility for local communities. Harriett commented: “I am pleased that the County Council has been successful in bidding for this money. “My constituents have suggested a cycle and walking route from Malvern to Leigh Sinton, completion of the cycle and walking route from Malvern to Worcester through Powick, better traffic management at the Ketch roundabout, a pedestrian crossing in Station Road, Pershore and many other road safety schemes that will allow people to feel safer walking and cycling on our busy rural roads."