13 November 2019
Harriett Baldwin has offered her views on the long-term development plan at its public exhibition in Pershore.
Harriett joined local people submitting views on the South Worcestershire Development Plan which is currently out for public consultation.
Harriett, who is, who is Conservative Parliamentary Candidate for West Worcestershire, encouraged local people to have their say on plans which will allocate housing and employment land for development over the next 20 years.
She commented: “I have always encouraged local communities to develop their own neighbourhood plan so we get housing development where people want it rather than be at the mercy of massive speculative housing applications.
“I’ve also been keen to allow smaller villages to be allowed to build one or two new houses each year – something that local planning policy prohibits.
“And I have repeated my views that we must protect Tiddesley Wood and guarantee a quarter mile protection zone where developers can’t intrude on this much-loved wooded area.
“I encourage as many people as possible to have their say either by visiting the exhibition or writing in to the consultation.”
Photo: Harriett Baldwin posts her views on the latest South Worcestershire Development Plan review in Pershore.