Thank you for contacting me about conversion therapy.
I take this issue very seriously and I know that my colleagues in the Equalities Office remain committed to tackling conversion therapy in the UK. I am absolutely clear that this practice has no place in civilised society. Being lesbian, gay or bisexual is not an illness to be treated or cured.
I am encouraged that this view is shared by the head of the NHS, the Royal College of Psychiatrists, the UK Council for Psychotherapy, the British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy and the British Medical Association. Each of these bodies have concluded that such therapy is unethical and potentially harmful.
I welcome the firm commitment to preventing these activities from continuing. Led by colleagues in the Government Equalities Office, research is underway to look at the experiences of those subjected to conversion therapy. I have received assurances that Ministers are thoroughly considering all legislative and non-legislative options in order to end conversion therapy practice for good, and will outline their plans in due course.
I am positive about the steps that have been made so far in the UK to achieve LGBT equality, and am confident that this good work will continue.
Thank you again for taking the time to contact me.