West Worcestershire MP Harriett Baldwin has welcomed an initiative which will offer grants of up to £1000 to schools to run with breakfast clubs.
Cereal manufacturer Kellogg’s has confirmed that an annual scheme is now open allowing schools to apply for support for breakfast clubs ranging from equipment to buying learning materials.
The fund has been running for 26 years meaning that over £5.75 million have been donated to schools, including school in Worcestershire.
Harriett encouraged schools to apply for support and added:
“I have seen breakfast clubs in action and know the important role they carry out helping children to get the best possible start to the day.
“Many schools offer some sort of wrap around support for working parents, allowing them to take their children to school to fit in with the working day and this fund could be a huge benefit to support this provision.
“I’m encouraging schools across West Worcestershire to apply. This fund could help to support purchasing beyond buying toasters and I am convinced that our teachers can get creative about how to use this fund to best effect.”
Schools can get more information by visiting www.kelloggs.co.uk/breakfastclubgrants.