18 July 2024
Dame Harriett Baldwin asks about protection of the landscape from energy infrastructure

Dame Harriett Baldwin questions the new Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero on the need for parameters to be put in place to protect treasured landscapes such as the Malvern hills and Bredon hill from pylons, wind farms and solar farms.

Dame Harriett Baldwin (West Worcestershire) (Con)

I welcome the Secretary of State to his role, but he has been quite political in his replies. I gently point out that in West Worcestershire, fewer people voted Labour in this election than in the last election or the one before. I wonder whether he has ever visited the beautiful landscapes of West Worcestershire. The Malvern hills and Bredon hill are some of the most treasured landscapes in our land. What parameters is he going to put around the building of pylons, wind farms and solar farms across that beautiful landscape?

The Secretary of State for Energy Security and Net Zero (Edward Miliband)

I thank the hon. Lady for her question. As with any planning decisions, there are clear parameters in the legislation on the consultation that needs to take place with local communities. I gently point out to her that, nine years ago, the last Government banned onshore wind in England for some of the reasons that she set out. I thought that was a mistake at the time, and it turned out to be even more of a mistake than I thought, because it exposed us to energy insecurity. We have to make judgments as Members of this House. Given the scale of the climate crisis, the energy insecurity and the energy security threat that we face, do we believe that we need to build infrastructure? I happen to believe that we do—yes, with community consent; yes, with community benefit; and yes, with the planning rules that I have set out.
