29 July 2024
Dame Harriett presses Chancellor on plans to boost public sector productivity

Dame Harriett Baldwin asks the Chancellor of the Exchequer what the Government plans to do to increase productivity in the public sector.

Dame Harriett Baldwin (West Worcestershire) (Con)

What a chilling political choice, to choose to take away the winter fuel allowance from a 90-year-old on an income of £10,000 a year. And that was a political choice. I want to ask the Chancellor more about productivity. She used the word once during her speech. What discussions has she had about improving productivity, which according to the Office for Budget Responsibility is still 5% lower in the public sector and has not recovered since the levels we enjoyed before the pandemic?

The Chancellor of the Exchequer (Rachel Reeves)

The challenge of productivity sits across both the public and private sectors. In the last 14 years, productivity has flatlined in the public and private sectors and we need to boost both. We need to boost productivity in the public sector to ensure that we get better value for money for our public services, but we also need to improve productivity in our private sector so that we can improve living standards and have the money for our public services.
